Friday, July 3, 2015

Why I Recommend Every Drummer Should Audition for Drum Corp International

     If I were to bring down my reasoning for auditioning for Drum Corp International, I would sum it up with one reason, and one reason only...

It opens up your mind.

     Everyday we choose to interact based on our own personal experiences that shape who are today. So I can't help but recommend this life-changing experience to everyone. Auditioning for a drum corp pushes you mentally and physically. It requires memorizing extensive pieces of music and drill spots, dedicating time everyday to progressing as a musician, and being in top physical condition. But more importantly, it forces you to learn in ways that you didn't previously understand. With the help of instructors and mentors that have had the same experience on the national and global stage, you find yourself pushing beyond your breaking points that you didn't previously deem possible.

     I guess what I am trying to say is that when you sign up to march in a drum corp, you are thereby dedicating a portion of your life to one single musical show. A show that you will constantly strive to perfect, as well as come to love inside and out. The music you perform represent the messages and ideas that are expressed. The theatrical and marching aspects of the show bring the visual representation of the emotions portrayed, and by the end of the season, you will have successfully brought a story...

To Life.

It is a matter of being apart of something that is larger than any physical world around you. It's about influencing others in emotional ways, and chasing the pursuit of perfection. A process that you will never again endure with such devotion and support from hundreds of other new family members that you come to love. This activity opens your mind because when you are finished with your first season, you come back to the real world with a learning experience that taught you how to learn. You are the only person that will ever hold you back.

So what are you waiting for already? GO REGISTER! 

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